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Super Heros

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:45 pm

"I don;t mind taking passanger seat with Diosis and artimes so there's room for Roland and the new girl as well as Ginger."

Julius nodded his head as he ushered Artemis into the jeep. They had to get joining before anymore people arrived.

As soon as the girl pressed the button, Artemis rounded on her and growled viciously. "Julius, she's calling the humans to us!", she told him. Julius rounded on the girl his eyes wide but dead serious. "How could you sell out your own kind?!?!", he asked her as he ripped open the jeep door and dragged the girl out of the jeep. He ripped the necklace from the girl's neck, snapping the string easily.

He whipped around and calling the strength of a bear, chunked the necklace into the air until it was nothing.

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Ghost Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:48 pm

Roland woke with a start and then stood infront of Trixie protecting her from the others. "You idiot! You have no idea what they do to you in there....What they put you through...She's afraid for her life thats why!" It starts to rain as he stares intently at Julius. "Touch her and I won't hesitate to attack you."

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:51 pm

Trixie jumped and struggled against the Mans grasp thrashing about violently. "If I don;t do it they'll torture me! they always find me who's to say they won't now!" Trixie thrashed harder in his arms then finally jammed his elbow hard into his side then chomped down onto his hand finally freeing herself she jumped and took off shaken from the recent incident

Grace's eyes widened as she watched Julius drag the girl from the car then rip the necklace off her. She understood he needed to but she fet very worried by the way he was doing it. She pushed past the others and hopped out of the car just as the girl took off past her Grace reached out and grabbed her arm. "Wait please!"

Trixie spuna round as another one of them grabbed her by the arm asking her to wait. Nervous and scared she jammed ehr fist forward hitting the girl in the jaw sending her staggering back. Her eyes widened as she releazied what she'd done.

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:51 pm

Julius rounded on Roland, his onyx eyes raged and his face kinda scary, he rivaled a wolf in his facial expression. He emitted a growl and Artemis with him.

"You idiot! You have no idea what they do to you in there....What they put you through...She's afraid for her life thats why!" It starts to rain as he stares intently at Julius. "Touch her and I won't hesitate to attack you."

"If I don;t do it they'll torture me! they always find me who's to say they won't now!"

Julius growled again. "I'd like to see you try. Do you think you're the only one who's been through hell? Think again! Torture? So what? I've been through hell and back! But it was no reason but sentence others torture as well. So she drags us down with her? Have you ever thought that we could help you?", he literally screamed at the two. Artemis had her fang bared and the two looked especially dangerous right now.

He saw the girl hit Grace and with lighting speed he was beside Grace and her in his arms. He turned back to the girl and Roland, his eyes furied, he knew it was not a good idea, but his emotions was getting the better of him. And seriously. Why would she call the humans? Didn't she know that would not help her to freedom.

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Ghost Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:54 pm

Roland laughed. He kept laughing struggling to talk. "You?! You think you've been through hell?!" He grabs his stomach. "You haven't seen anything! Look at you! Your nothing but a stuck up prick who can't even face what he truly is." Roland stops and glares at him. "You have no idea what hell is.

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:57 pm

"You?! You think you've been through hell?!" He grabs his stomach. "You haven't seen anything! Look at you! Your nothing but a stuck up prick who can't even face what he truly is." Roland stops and glares at him. "You have no idea what hell is.

Julius stood up and stood face to face with Roland, his black eyes a blaze. "Some tough talk you are. So what have you suffered? You're alive and well now aren't you? We saved you so why not her? Why didn't you think that far ahead? And I'll have you know, I was tortured, in more ways then you can ever imagine. They did a surgery on me while I was awake!! Stuck up prick? At least I've left the past and moved on!", he said. His emotions were riled up and soon the animals in the zoo were starting up, joining in with him. Then a black shape appeared from the zoo.

Alpha was back and he looked dangerous as he walked towards them. "Julius what's wrong?", he asked as he stalked closer.

Julius still had his attention on Roland. "We hide survive, what else can we do to live?", he asked the water boy.

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Ghost Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:06 pm

Roland looks upward "You fight...You stop hiding and being scared and fight back." He drops his hands and looks at him. "You saved me yes but now its our turn to save those who can't fight back." He holds out his hand "We can put a end to all the pain."

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:11 pm

"You fight...You stop hiding and being scared and fight back." He drops his hands and looks at him. "You saved me yes but now its our turn to save those who can't fight back." He holds out his hand "We can put a end to all the pain."

Julius looked at the guy. "Are you crazy? Do you want an all out war with humans? Our kind as tried to fight them off, and look where they are now. In their graves that aren't even allowed in human cemeteries. I can save those yes. And that's what I've been trying to say. She just called backup, and you're protecting her for it. In a few moments they will be here and I don't want to risk the innocent lives that are here in a blood bath.", Julius said seriously. He was right, he knew he was right.

He was most worried about Ginger, Diosis, and Grace, they were still young and didn't need to go through the suffering he had.

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:32 am

Diosis crawled into the seat with Grace and curled up, ready to take a cat-nap till they reached the restraunt. His ears perked up as he heard the signal go out and he saw Julius yank the girl out of the car. His head was already spinning in confusion and he was accidentally tossed onto the floor of the car as Grace stood up. The flood of emotion and the turmoil made him reel with confusion and horror and eventually he had a practical migrane. He shifted back to a human and held his head in pain. Finally he snapped. Tears flowing from his eyes, he lept in front of the two who were fighting. "SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. He shifted his arms into that of a bear and grabbed the two, holding up in the air and growling at them. Rain always brought out the worst in him. "Will you two just STOP FIGHTING!!!" he glared at each for a second. "We're supposed to stick together! We're supposed to help each other! Not fight like little kids!" he snarled "If you want a fight you'll get one when the people arrive to try and take us! If we fight amongst ourselves we'll never survive! Trixie's one of us. She had to turn us in or she could be killed now it's our duty to keep her safe! But that doesn't mean fighting each other to do so! Got it?!" he shook the two violently for a second.

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:51 am

Grace had shut her eyes and was now slowly opening them when she fwelt Julius's arms around her. She took in a couple deep breaths listening to him and Roland scream at each other she couldn't help but have a sense of fear as Julius yelled she'd never seen him so angry. Grace watched the two for a moment before hopping out of Julius's arms sighing she looked at him and roland then at Trixie she took trixie by the arm. "Don't hit me this time." She said this calmly.

Trixie watched as the two men fought she felt bad she'd brought this amoungest these people who were just trying to help her she ducked her head listening still but half heartedly trying to tune it out. She looked back up as the girl she had recently puncnhed grabbed her arm. nodded when she was asked not to be hit.

Grace smiled To trixie and took her off to the side away from the others keeping her voice extremely low as she spoke to her. Occasionally glancing at the others but doing nothing more then that. She smiled and when trixie began to cry Grace pulled her into a tight hug still whispering to her before she let trixie go.

Trixie pulled out a small device then pressed a button speaking into it. "They left..I'm sorry I couldn't catch them they're to powerful." Trixie listened as the voice yelled at her. "You flithy self-centered girl! I'll teach you to Lose them. Tell me where your located this instant!" Trixie hestitated then set the little device on fire before stamping out the device.

Grace smiled to Trixie and gently took her by the arm walking back to the jeep and instructing her to sit in the back then she spun around and walked over to Diosis. She grabbed a wadded up newpaper and smacked him in the back of the head. "Let them go get back into cat form and wait for me in the car." She barked her orders at diosis then turned to roalnd smacking him with the newspaper too. "Get in the back with trixie now and you watch her closer!". Grace then turned to Julius glaring a moment then hitting him. "thats for scaring me." She then gently kissed him. "And that's for protecting in the car and drive."

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:59 am

Diosis obediently dropped the two and smiled at Grace. "Sorry. The turmoil made me lose it" he looked over at Trixie and saw her and how upset she was. He had origionally intended to reprimand her too... but she seemed to have repented. "Good work on saving us" he whispered to Grace and smiled at the new girl, moving to her. "Hey... it'll be okay. You're one of us. We're here to protect you, they won't get you with us around" He smiled at her and shifted to a cat, moving up to the front seat to wait for Grace like he had been told.

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:42 am

"SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. He shifted his arms into that of a bear and grabbed the two, holding up in the air and growling at them. Rain always brought out the worst in him. "Will you two just STOP FIGHTING!!!" he glared at each for a second. "We're supposed to stick together! We're supposed to help each other! Not fight like little kids!" he snarled "If you want a fight you'll get one when the people arrive to try and take us! If we fight amongst ourselves we'll never survive! Trixie's one of us. She had to turn us in or she could be killed now it's our duty to keep her safe! But that doesn't mean fighting each other to do so! Got it?!"

Julius was roughly dragged back and he fought for a second before calming down a bit. All the animals in the zoo, plus, the wolf, who's name was Ares, and Artemis, were sending him calming waves of emotion. He relaxed a bit. He was hanging in Diosis' bear claws when he saw Grace have a little talk with the new girl. Soon Grace walked over and whacked Diosis with a newspaper roll.

Julius found himself on the ground again. He felt a whack on his head as well and he rubbed his head as he looked up.

"thats for scaring me." She then gently kissed him. "And that's for protecting in the car and drive."

He felt her move away and he was stunned for a little bit, shocked by her sudden kiss. But he got out of his daze and nodded his head. He opened the trunk of the car and Ares and Artemis hopped into the trunk and laid down. They'd be coming with them.

He told Roland to get in the jeep and Julius got in too.

(we kinda need to wait for Brittany)

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:45 am

(Is she gonna post? and her character kinda ran off on us.)

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:50 am

(She can't really post and we can't post to her. Her character left rememeber? So we can't post to her.)

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:59 am

no her character came back to help you when you were about to jump into the shark tank, so she's around

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:02 am

(Okay then i'll drag her off during lunch and have her post *grins evily*)

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:03 am

(yeah and then she left again. Have Julius text her and tell her to meet them at the restraunt.)

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:11 am

Julius got out his phone and texted Kipcha. "Meet us at this address.", he texted the directions to her. Then he got in the car and set the jeep into drive 4 and drove away. It was dark, evening time and he felt his own stomach complain from lack of food.

He was calm now and he was back to his normal self, his onyx eyes focused on the road but his hands clenching the steering wheel tightly. He hated himself for blowing up back there, he let his emotions get the better of him.

Ares and Artemis both felt his frustration and they sent out their thoughts. "Relax and breathe Julius. Everything is fine, once we get to the resturant, we'll all be okay.", Ares said with Artemis agreeing. Julius mentally laughed, he was scolded by his own words.

He turned to the rest of them in the jeep. "Is everybody alright?", he asked them calmly with tired eyes.

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:14 am

Diosis looked up at Julius, sensing his frustration and hearing Ares and Artemis. don't worry Julius... it's alright now just let it go. Yeah you blew up... but everyone was in danger. Of course you got mad he mewed and licked his paw. and yes I'm fine.

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:24 am

Grace smiled "yes I'm fine." She gently set her warm hand on his her tail flicking a bit nervously. "please don't worry." She watched him carefully now before turning and looking back at trixie. "Are you okay? You know no one holds a grudge against you and we never will." Grace smiled warmly to Trixie before unbuckling her self and picking up Diosis then slipping out of the car and setting him on the ground then turning and helping Little Ginger out.

Trixie nodded her stomach still in tight nervous knots before she looked to Roland she felt she need to stay very close to him. She squeezed his arm watching him with pleading eyes before whispering. "Don't leave me alone..please."

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Tue Feb 02, 2010 10:09 am

don't worry Julius... it's alright now just let it go. Yeah you blew up... but everyone was in danger. Of course you got mad he mewed and licked his paw. and yes I'm fine.

Julius sighed as he heard the thoughts. He calmed down. Just a bit though.

"yes I'm fine." She gently set her warm hand on his her tail flicking a bit nervously. "please don't worry."

Julius felt her warm hand on his and he glanced at her. He spared her a small tired small and then kept his eyes on the road. Soon they were at the resturant. Julius stepped out and opened the trunk, Ares and Artemis came out. "Time to reveal your secret guys.", he told them.

Ares and Artemis cracked a canine smile. They both looked around and seeing no one there they let loose.

In a flash, in the place of a wolf and a dog, there was a guy and a girl standing in their place. The guy was spiky short black haired, 6'3ft wearing a black hooded jacket with ripped black jeans and boots. He wore a wolfish grin. The girl next to him was 5'7ft had long wavy mid-lenght black hair and she wore blue jeans with sneakers and wore a white and black hooded jacket. They both wore grins as they looked at everyone.

Last edited by Looney on Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:53 pm

Grace held her hands over her eyes as the the flash of light struck and she then looked seeing a boy and girl where they two dogs were. She gaped and stared in amazment then grinned. "Nice trick."

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:23 pm

Diosis stared in amazement as the two dogs transformed into humans in a flash of light. He shifted back to human form and grinned. “Nice. I wish I could train a dog to do that. I’d be rich” he grinned and walked into the restaurant, taking a seat and looking around. He picked up a menu and waited for the others.

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Kipcha Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:18 pm

(argh sorry guys been a little busy so havent posted much)

Kipcha looks down as she was wandering the streets and notices she has a text message, and reads it.

"Meet us at this address."

Kipcha sighed wondering what they wanted, but she slips the phone back into her pocket and runs down a alley way shifting to a stray dog. Useing scent and memory, Kipcha makes her way to address she was texted.

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Super Heros - Page 22 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Ghost Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:26 pm

Roland smiled when Trixie grabbed his arm. "Don't worry I won't let you go." Once out of the car he saw the wolf and dog turn into humans. "So...They're humans?"

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