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Super Heros

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:58 pm

"Hello to you to my name is Kipcha." Kipcha smiles and waves back. "Nice to meet you. "My dear, I've no attentions of taking him from you or anything."

Adriana smiled as the threat was gone. She smiled and stuck her hand out for Kipcha to shake. "Well then friend, we're on the same side. Nice to meet you. Good thing you're not after Julius, one less opponent to fight.", she told the girl.

Julius sighed and rolled his onyx eyes. Oh boy, Adriana was here. Great things would be just great now. He wasn't gonna sleep tonight if she was here.

Adriana then turned to Monash and smiled at him. He was good looking, but she only had eyes for Julius. "Hola handsome. Who might you be?", she asked as she winked at him.

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Kipcha Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:04 pm

Kipcha smiles back and takes the offered hand shaking it. "Good to hear we're on the same page." Kipcha smiles again and chuckles. "I know what you mean by that." Quietly to herself Kipcha thinks Adri seems like a nice girl. She reminds her of one of her best friends she left behind after her parents where killed. Perhaps they could be friends.

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Ghost Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:11 pm

Coty follows slowly behind them. He knew it wasn't just a conicident that all the others had powers. He felt like there was something that drew them all together. Hob seemed to be able to sense this to and understood it better than he did. He sighed and looked at this watch wondering if his parents were home yet and worrying about him.

Roland groaned as he made a wall of ice close the alley way blocking off the agents from him. He kept his eyes focused on the glowing sign of the lab and knew he could easily get inside and hide out. He knew the agents couldn't chase him in there and he could escape through the drains after he rested up. Over head a chopper was making its way to the lab. They found there target and had momentary lost him with the ground troops but they could easily spot him in the air since he couldn't change back to his other form for awhile. They had been chasing him for 16 long years and they weren't about to let him escape that easily. They soon spotted him and opened fired with the tasers. Roland cursed his luck and ran for the labs which was only a few blocks away. He flinched and created a turted shell of ice on his back and hoped that it would provide some protection as he ran.

Last edited by CarlostheHobo on Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:12 pm

alexander? wrong RP coty Very Happy

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Ghost Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:13 pm

I have no idea what your talking about (Shifty eyes)

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Wed Jan 20, 2010 9:25 pm

Grace slowly sat back up pulling ginger into a tight hugs then taking in a deep breath wiping sweat from her forward slowly catching her breath she sighe dhere ears perked up the sound of voices outside she blinked recognizing Kipcha Julius and Coty right away but there seemed to be two others and Girl and a boy she sniffed again then gagged nearly throwing up. The girl was giving off such a strong scent of horomones and she could tell She was rather close to Julius For the strangest Reason then bugged Grace but she kept cool then laid back down into the middle of the doorway shutting her eyes once again taking in deep slow breaths. Man she beat she hadn't ran like that In ages.

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:57 am

Monash laughed at the scene That Adriana was causing. He Smiled and shook her hand, slipping into an austrailian accent. “Name’s Monash” he said, clearing his throat to get rid of the accent. “Kipcha you can calm down, everything’s fi…” his voice trailed off as the probability spiked again. He quickly narrowed down scenarios and landed on a bad one. “On second thought keep that knife ready. Something tells me that something bad’s going on.” He looked around and, true to his predictions, a boy burst from an alleyway in a shower of water, running from a group of apparently agents. He was hit by a stun bullet as he ran, then he turned forming a wall of ice. “Another one of us” Monash said. “And he’s in trouble. We need to help him”

Diosis Looked up at Grace from his position on the floor. He panted lightly, catching his breath. Listening to the noise outside, he heard the others approaching, then a commotion arose. Someone else was out there too, and being chased. Diosis lept up and dashed out the door. Immediately he sighted a boy running towards the lab, being chased by people with guns. By the ice shield on the boy’s back, he could tell he was one of their kind. He shifted his hands into the claws of a bear and his skin to the hide of an armadillo and charged at the men who were shooting, ripping at them mercilessly with intent to kill all. If any witnesses survived they would be found out.

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:15 am

Grace's eyes widened and she motioned for ginger to stay as she took off out of the house and into the street. Grace paused seeing the boy and everyone else. Then she took of running fast practically sprinting. And then Leaping and standing infront of the boy. "You run now to the others." She winced as a couple bullets hit her but she stayed still blocking him form the majority of it. "hurry RUN!"

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:29 am

Diosis's eyes widened as Grace jumped in front of some stun bullets for the boy. Now these bastards had done it. He was mad. Time for his trump card. He shifted again, growing into a dragon-like creature about two times his normal height. He swiped at the frightened agents, growling angrily at them and killing a few. The agents directed their fire at him, but the bullets bounced off his scaly hide, leaving him with just a slight stinging pain. He continued to slash them down, intending to leave only one for questioning. He was really going have to restrain himself from killing the last one. The helicopter flew in lower, shooting a weak missle at him which exploded, knocking him over. He roared in pain, but for the most part he was fine.

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:46 am

Soon a fight had started. Julius quickly stuff the things in his hands into some bushes and joined the action with Adriana following him closely. He was quick and shifted his cells into cheetah's speed. He zipped up behind the black suited people and with quick hand movements broke the necks of the people or stunned them into unconsciousness. He frowned as they pulled guns out and shot at him. He quickly ran out of the way. Quickly he generated cells of a turtle's shell onto his back and his hands. This was not going to be pretty.

Soon a helicopter's sound was heard. Julius looked up and gritted his teeth. "Adri. Take care of them.", he told the girl. The girl smiled at him. "anything for you.", she said as she then closed her eyes and held her hands up in front of her. A purple aura glowed around her and she sent her powers to the helicopter. The copter froze in mid air, shouts of shock from the people inside. Adriana used her psychic powers and shook the plane, sending people flying out and landing on the ground stunned and moaning.

Julius ran towards Diosis and Grace fast and held them back from killing more people. "Stop killing them! We don't need to create a blood bath. Diosis, Grace!', he shouted at them as he tried to hold the shapeshifter back from hurting more people. They had other ways to end this fight without blood on the streets.

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:55 am

Diosis shifted back, snarling and trying to wriggle free from Julius's grip. "They shot at Grace! How can you say I shouldn't kill them! I'll rip their arms off, just let me go." He shifted his vocal cords, letting out a mighty roar. Monash ran up as the helicopter fired another missle at Diosis and Julius. He raised his hand and the missle was suddenly swallowed up into thin air. He then raised a small field that teleported any bullets coming at them. "How are we gonna end this Julius? I can't hold this field forever and i can't predict stuff while i'm doing it."

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:02 am

Grace backed up and took The new boys hand pulling him back into the lab looking around she gently set him down examining his wounds carefully. She sighed and looked at him. "Stay here." Grace turned and ran back out to the street pausing she looked from Julius to Diosis. "I can hold them off get inside." Grace roughly pushed Julius and Diosis back then turned to the men she grinned pulling off her mask showing them she had powers. "hello Boys." she waved then took off running Many of them looked shocked then chase after her only leaving a few for the others she ran quickly taking many twists and turns confusing and losing many of them. She came to a wall she was stuck this was bad only one was left though she backed up facing him. "please sir I've done nothing wrong her." the man walked closer grinning then getting close enough to reach out and push her back against the wall holding her hands against it. Grace growled and struggled against him then looked at him. "Please..." She looked at him then looked around quickly "I'll scream!" She bites his shoulder in a chance to try and save herself then winces as he presses her wrist harder against the wall she looks at him then screams hoping at least one person would hear. Grace paused a moment then brought her knee up hitting him hard she shoved past him and ran as quickly as she could.

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:05 am

"They shot at Grace! How can you say I shouldn't kill them! I'll rip their arms off, just let me go."

Julius frowned and then slapped Diosis across the face. "You foolish brat! At this rate the government will find out about us faster because of this fight. Do you want that to happen?!? If that happens more than bullets will be going into our bodies you idiot. Stop it! Grace was shot but she isn't dead! Just calm down.", he yelled at the boy.

"How are we gonna end this Julius? I can't hold this field forever and i can't predict stuff while i'm doing it."

Julius turned his attention to Monash. "Adri can to crush the plane?", he asked the girl. Adriana was a tiny bit tired but she nodded her head nothing the less. She nodded and then focused her powers on the helicopter again. The machine started compressing into a call. "Ash! Create a void around the copter so the explosion won't hit us!", she told him and then she squeezed her hands and the copter exploded. She covered her eyes from the bright light.

Julius turned back to the boy he was holding back. "Pull yourself together! You won't win if you let your emotions take over!", the older super told the younger. Julius let go of Diosis and rushed at the men again. There were only 7 or 8 left, the rest were unconscious on the floor. He rushed at two of them and soon had them in a headlock and then smashed their heads together, the men falling unconsious again. Another guy charged at him with a knife. Julius backed away but not fast enough. The man cut a line across Julius' cheek and a trail of blood dripped out. But Julius kicked the man with kangaroo powered legs and sent the man sprawling into a coma.

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:11 am

Diosis perked up as he heard a scream from Grace. He growled and slipped free from Julius's grasp. "I won't kill then, but i'll hit em so hard they won't remember a thing” with that he transformed into a cheetah and ran after Grace. He rounded the corner where she was to see the man that had chased her doubled over in pain. Grace ran past him and he fell in step beside her, ready for any other attackers.

Monash nodded to Julius. “You’ve got it.” He focused around the chopper, the probability dropping to a nearly impossible number. As soon as the explosion came, the void opened, swallowing the fireball whole.

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Thu Jan 21, 2010 9:20 am

Grace ran back into the lab she was nervous and jittery as wel as scared now as she bit her lower lip pacing around the room nervously then stopping and quickly sitting down placing her head in her hands. her ears pressed against her head and her tail wrapping around her waist for comfort. She remained still and worried.

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Thu Jan 21, 2010 10:23 am

The fight was over. Julius dropped the last man he was holding to the ground and then wipped the blood that was dripping from the cut on his cheek. He then looked at Adriana and saw that she was exhausted from the use of her powers. He went over to her and picked her up bridal style carrying her back to the lab where Galen was waiting for them. Julius called to Ash. "Ash! Carry as many men as you can into the lab. We've got to deal with them.", he said as he walked into the lab and gently placed Adriana on a bed in the backroom. He touched her foreheard with his hand and took away her exhaustion, feeling it flow into him and drain his own energy.

Adriana whimpered and then fell asleep to recover herself.

Julius saw Grace and went over to her. He patted her shoulders and turned her to face him. He looked at her wounds and then he touched her forehead as well, taking her wounds. "Go to the backroom and rest. But if you're up to it, help me carry the unconscious men inside. Galen has to tamper with their memories.", he said as he touched his forehead to Grace's and then walked outside to help Ash carry the men in even though Julius was about to fall over from exhaustion. He saw Diosis. "Diosis, help us carry the men in.", he told the shapeshifter. He would heal Diosis later, right now he didn't need any more wounds.

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:34 am

Diosis switched back into human form as they stopped inside the lab. He was exhausted from running and transforming so much. He caught his breath and looked at grace who seemed pretty distressed. Her ears were flattened and she had her tail wrapped around her. He sighed and scooted over to her, calling up his power to connect with animals. He hugged her and sent her calming signals, hoping to make her feel better.

"Diosis, help us carry the men in."

Diosis looked up at Julius and was about to go help when all of the captured men were suddenly teleported inside by Monash. He walked in calmly and sat down, apparently unphased by the use of power.

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:16 pm

Julius looked surprised at Ash's power and then just shrugged. "Well that works too.", he said as he dumped the guy he had with the others. Galen walked over to them and examined them each carefully. He nodded his head to the new kid, Ash? "Thank you for your help. Now I must ask your help again. We need to move these men into my personal laboratory to erase they memory.", the scientist said to Julius and everyone else.

Julius nodded and started moving the men into the separate little lab and strapped them onto individual tables, one on each, but there wasn't enough tables. "We'll have to erase some and then do the rest in a second round.", Galen said as he began messing with the machine as Julius started putting on mechanical helmets onto the men as well.

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:51 pm

Grace kept her head sunk in her hands as she shook slightly she was scared even though she had powers she was scared. the only thing she could really do in a situation like that was bite and scarcth if that was even possible. Grace bit her lower lip and tooke in a deep breath then slowly looked up. Whispering to herself. "your fine.. Your here for everyone else."

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:59 pm

"your fine.. Your here for everyone else."

Julius was stressed out right now and his senses were all at their top, his hearing especially. He snapped his head up as he heard Grace's voice filled with worry. He finished up the last human on the table. Galen started up the machine and he tampered the the humans unconscious memory. The men would only wake up remembering what they were doing the day before this fight happened.

Julius stood up and found Grace. He dropped to one knee and then looked Grace in the face. He felt the emotions swimming in her body and felt her uncomfortable feelings. He was almost overwhelmed at the blast of feelings she gave out. But he reached out and patted her head gentle. His hand glowed and he tried to take away her bad feelings. He transfered the emotions to himself and then patted Grace's head again.

"Hey. Relax and breath.", he said repeating what he said at the diner. 'It's alright, it's over. You're safe and with people you can trust. C'mon be strong, your little sister needs you right now. You can't break Grace.", he said as he saw Ginger near Grace and looking at her sister with worry.

Julius turned to Diosis. "Take care of her.", he said as he stood up and then walked over to the bed to check on Adriana who was still asleep and recovering.

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:23 pm

Grace looked up a Julius a moment then sighed and looked away a moment before smiling and gathering Ginger into her arms hugging her close smiling. "It is rather late let's get you of to bed." Unsure as to where the rooms were Grace bit her lower lip then smiled and huggled her sister gently singing a lullaby while as slowly rocking the little one. Smiling as she began to drift off and fall asleep she looked around then room then motioned for everyone the be silent as she then Gently set ginger down on then couch placing the trench coat over her. "good night sweet Ginger." grace smiled stroking Gingers cheek.

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:31 pm

"It is rather late let's get you of to bed."

Julius had walked back to them. He heard Grace talking to Ginger about sleep. He smiled a bit, tiny bit. He stopped a few feet and listened as she sung a little lullaby for her sister. He smiled again a little. When Ginger fell asleep Julius walked up and put a hand on Grace's shoulder. "C'mon, I'll take you and your sister to where you'll be sleeping.", he said as he gently and carefully picked up Ginger and craddled her against his chest and started walking into the ecosystem room. He was headed to his room and the guest rooms.

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Thu Jan 21, 2010 2:15 pm

Diosis sighed, feeling utterly helpless as he heard Grace’s muttering. He could feel all of the emotions roiling within her and he just wanted to be able to take them away. He nodded to Julius as he told him to take care of her. He shut his eyes, focusing harder on channeling calm. He let her go as she took Ginger to the couch, following her closely. He yawned, his exhaustion finally catching up to him, and lazily curled up on a pillow on the floor, not willing to move any further of his own accord. He heard Julius say he’d take them to the rooms they’d stay in, but he was fine here if it required moving to get to the room.

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Thu Jan 21, 2010 2:51 pm

Grace smiled and nodded to Julius. She gave up Ginger her arms felt as if they were going to fall off. She watched him a moment he was smiling and was rather kind. SHe contuined to watch thinking to herself. ...Am I just using him as a place to live?... or Do i really have feelings for him. Maybe I'm just crazy. Grace paused lost in thought then shook her head and jogged to catch up. She walked next to him glancing from him to ginger.

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Super Heros - Page 12 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Kipcha Thu Jan 21, 2010 5:02 pm

As a fight starts, Kipcha quickly slips out her knife and rushes to in to attack, shifitng to a werewolf, getting a many wounds in the process. She did't care who saw her shift she just wanted to protect her newly found friends.

Once the battle is over Kipcha shifts back and limps into the building everyone else is in. Her clothes are torn a little, blood on them and her body, she looks at the others examine their wounds then she closes her eyes and concetraits on healing some of her wounds and theirs.

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