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Super Heros

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Kipcha Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:04 pm

“Could you excuse me for a while? I need to check on something”.

Kipcha nods her head at Doisis, while she eats her pizza, wondering what is going on between these people. She sighs a little realizing its none of her busniess and keeps to herself.

Lost in her own thoughts she didn't notice when Grace sat down, looking up at her smiling a little. "Hello." She decideds not to ask about what was going on since she did not know her that well.

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:09 pm

Grace pauses then smiles remebering Kipcha. "Well hello pardon my rude manners I got a little...dizzy" Grace smiled extending ehr hand to kipcha her tail twisting then wrapping around her waist the tip raising and falling on her lap alomst as if tapping a bit testily as the waitress came back to their table. She smiled up at the waitress extending her Glass to her. "May I please have some more water?" Grace kept a happy white smile and happy bright eyes but she couldn;t but thinking that she wouldn't be surpirsed If the waitress ignored her all together since Julius was back in the room. Grace thought about this and stiffled a laugh as she thought about the waitress ignoring her and skipping off to Julius. Lost in her thoughts she didn't even notice the two Men across from her whispering on about her and how easy she looked even daring to make a bet on if they get her to sleep with them.

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Kipcha Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:20 pm

"That is ok." She smiles back, taking Grace's hand and shaking it. "Are you alright now though?" Looking at the waitress, holding up a glass. "May I have more root beer?" While she waits for the waitress' answer, she notices 2 men whispering and looking at Grace. Years of living as a loner has taught her many things, so sensing a possible threat, she allows her hearing to hieghten to that of a wolfs and listens carefully.

Holding back a silent growl, she moves her arm a little allowing her knife to slide down a little bit incase it is needed.

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:23 pm

Diosis came back into the restraunt, looking much happier, though he felt little better than he had when he'd left. He sat down and began eating his pizza again. "Thanks for the dinner Coty" he said between mouthfuls. He overheard the conversation of the guys and promptly decided to rip their arms off if they so much as tried anything. It would help him release his emotions at least. He failed however to notice Monash's watching gaze on the group.

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:31 pm

"I'm fine don;t worry" Grace laughed lightly still unaware of the men as she allowed herself to get lost in thought not really thinking of her tail or ears the tip of her tail twitching rather testily as she thought growing a tad anxious.

The men chuckled and laughed amougest each other then returned to whispering before one stood and walked over to the table he was rather good looking brown hair with dark highlights he smjiled with a white smile and gently placed a hand on their table looking down at Grace "Excuse me miss..But Me and my friend couldn;t help but notice you over at our table and we were wondering if you wouldn't want to maybe come out in the town with us for a bit?" the man was druken slightly but not to noticably.

Grace blinked then looked up at the man only getting the jist of what he was saying she paused. Then took a sip of her water. "No thank you."

the man looked at her a buit skeptical. "Pardon me miss, But we sure know how to have a good time-" Grace cut in growing rather testy and nooyed by this strange man a bit angry that he thought of ehr so poorly she knew exactly what he wanted. "I said no thank you sir." With that she returned to eating ehr slice of Pizza the man not willing to stop placed his hand on her shoulder. "come on now Miss, you don't mean that" Grace bit her lip to keep from snarling and rose. "look sir I understand that the portion of the males brain that controls rational thinking crumble like sand in the desert but i believe I said no thank you"

The man paused now getting the picture he turned purposely bumping the table and slipped back to his own table paying then leaving with his friend. Grace sighed as people stared at her and she sat back down slumping slightly. several people laughing at her attack of words. She took a sip of her drink but slumped a bit lower as now more men began to notice her and girls looking past her right at Julius.

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Kipcha Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:44 pm

"Hmm. Alright then." She takes a sip of drink happily and munches on some more pizza.

Kipcha looked up at the man, getting tense. She has seen his kind before, they used to be after her a lot back in her hometown. She watches Grace and the man silently waiting for the right moment to strike.

Seeing his hand on here shoulder, she stands up and faces him, trying to hold back her short temper. "She said no. Now leave her alone." She lets her knife slide down a little more the tip of the silver blade visible.

"look sir I understand that the portion of the males brain that controls rational thinking crumble like sand in the desert but i believe I said no thank you"

Kipcha grins at that comment knowing how true it really is. As the man bumbs the table she lets out a low growl, watching him leave then looks at the others as some turn to stare, whiliest more laugh and talk about Grace. Kipcha's eyes blaze with fury and glares at the onlookers watching them turn away from her gaze, she then looks at Grace. "Now would be a good time to leave I believe."

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:52 pm

Diosis glared at the man as he talked to Grace, but she seemed to have things under control. As the man sat back down, Diosis began pondering ways he could hurt him. He grinned slightly at the thought and finished eating. "I agree, we should leave now. These guys are really starting to bug me"

At the other table, Monash finally realized what about these people had been causing the probability spike. They were like himself... they had powers. He couldn't explain how he knew, he just did. And the chances of six of them in the same small space were very low. He stood to make his way to them.

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:56 pm

"It's fine waste not what not." Grace smiled and nibbled on the pizza sitting up straight again. She began to savor the pizza thinking how it's be her only dinner then stopped ehrself and smiled widely remembering that Galen was to adopt her and ginger. Grace paused her eyes widening and she dropped her pizza she stayed like that a moment then grabbed a slice or two and took of running in a dead sprint running the mile and a half back to The lab opening rhe door panting heavily seeing ginger she handed her the pizza slice and dropped to her knees panting heavily. "I-I'm sorry I left you here alone.." Grace fell down it was freezing outside she curled up still panting feeling like an awful sister.

Ginger looked down at her sister in surprise and she took the slice of pizza she blinked then laughed taking a bite and laughing again falling back laughing so hard. "You ran all the way here to give me food and ap[ologize!? your so silly Grace" Ginger laughed harder her little face lighting up as if it was her birthday.

Grace panting looks up at ginger and smiled giggling slightly. She loved how happy Ginger looked. Grace smiled blushing slightly then shut her eyes slowly trying to catch her breath knowing the others would be back at the lab very soon seeing as she left them in her dust just to feed Ginger.

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:04 pm

Diosis watched as a man approached from another table, growing slightly apprehensive. Suddenly, Grace dashed out of the diner. He quickly hopped up and ran after her, worried that something was wrong, transforming into a black furred cheetah once outside. He ran fast, but he had started late. She got to the lab a few moments before her and as he dashed through the door he had to jump to miss tripping over her kneeling figure. He transformed back mid-air, landed, and tumbled along the ground, sliding to a stop at the wall.

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Kipcha Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:26 pm

Kipcha smiles a little when Diosis agrees with her. "Okay th-" She gets cut off as Grace rushes out the diner. Confused at first she stands still, then she sees another man get up and closing her mouth, she pulls her black hood up, sticking her hands into her pockets. She starts walking then pauses as Diosis rushes out after Grace, not knowing where they are going, she sighs feeling ditched once again, and contnuies to walk out the diner. She watches the other's run down the street not knowing rather to follow or not.

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:13 pm

Julius sighed as he watched Grace walk back to the diner and Diosis walk away to be with his thoughts. He shook his head and then followed behind Grace back into the diner.

As soon as she stepped in, the waitress started harassing him again. He ignored her and sat down at his table, at the moment his appetite gone. He asked to pack up the pasta and take it home. He'd eat it later when he felt like it.

(uh too many posts to catch up)

Julius then watched as two men came over and started harassing the group, mainly Grace. Julius narrowed his yes but he relaxed when he saw the Grace had it under control with her words. Good less violence and more talk was better in some cases.

After sometime the men left and then Grace sprinted off, probably back to the lab. And less than a milisecond afterward, Diosis ran too. He sighed. He grabbed the trench coat and food and was about to walk out when he saw another guy. He made his way over to them. Julius took one look at him and could tell that the guy was like them. "Hey.", he addressed the supernatural. "If you're one of us. Then come with me.", he said simply as he walked out of the diner and followed the rest of the group back to the lab.

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Kipcha Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:36 pm

Kipcha looked up as the other one that was with the group walked out,another person falling behind him. "Hello."

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:41 pm

Without a word of agreement, refutement, or surprise, Monash turned to follow Julius. The probability factor became a little less rediculous as the other two exited the diner at a sprint. He Looked at Kipcha, grinning at her slightly as if to invite her to walk with them. he turned his attention forward once more. "So what's your name?" he asked Julius, running through a couple probabilities in less than a second. "Julian? Jules? Julius? Something that starts with a J i'm pretty sure." He looked at the girl wearing the hood. "And yours begins with a K... Ki... Kirsten maybe? Kim?" he thought for a second... this one was less common.

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:46 pm

Julius walked silently followed by the other two. He noticed the groupie's new friend, Kipcha, decided to join them. He had no doubt that Coty was following also. He glanced back when he heard a question.

"So what's your name?"

Julius nodded his head to the guy. "Julius Griffin. You?", he asked as he slowed his pace to walk with the others.

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:51 pm

He grinned. He'd gotten one right. "Ah, i believe that was one of the one's i said. My name's Monash Evra. It's a pleasure to meet you" He smiled and offered his fist. He preferred to be cool over using formalities like handshakes. He looked around to make sure no one was listening. "So what's your power? Something to do with animals I think. I'm pretty sure that one kid that ran out of here had shapeshifting"

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Kipcha Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:55 pm

Kipcha quietly follows the other's, while she slips her knife back up her sleeve. She was still a little tense from the earlier quarl, sighing she looks around wondering where they are going.

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:56 pm

"Ah, i believe that was one of the one's i said. My name's Monash Evra. It's a pleasure to meet you"

Julius nodded his head towards the new guy. And instead of giving a handshake, Julius put his hand in front of his heart and fisted it. A way of greeting others with respect.

"So what's your power? Something to do with animals I think. I'm pretty sure that one kid that ran out of here had shapeshifting"

Julius nodded his head again. "I'm an animal whisperer. I can talk to animals and they won't attack me. And yes the foolish idiot who ran out was a shapeshifter. I'll have to give him a lecture when we get to the lab. The idiot transformed in the middle of exiting a diner, when humans were looking. Geez. And the girl that was first to run out, that was Grace. The shapeshifter is Diosis.". he told Monash. "and you're power?", he asked.

Then he turned to Kipcha and nodded to her. "I didn't get to say a greeting earlier. Pleasure to meet you.", he said with a straight face as they walked.

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:00 pm

Monash paused for a moment. Diosis hadn't transformed in the diner. He was pretty sure he'd felt the spike once the kid was down the street though. He smiled though. "I thought you would have guessed by now, though you probably would have been wrong. No I'm not psychic I just see probability. Any type of probability and in less than a second in fact. Also, i can bend space to teleport things. That's related though, it just requires me creating a nearly impossible probability"

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Kipcha Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:14 pm

"I didn't get to say a greeting earlier. Pleasure to meet you."

"Pleasure to meet you as well." She walks beside them looking around some more. She waits until the others are done talking before asking her own questions. "I am a newcomer here. If I may ask what is this place and where are we going?" Kipcha puts her hands in her pocket, yawning a little exhausted from her journy here.

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:24 pm

"I thought you would have guessed by now, though you probably would have been wrong. No I'm not psychic I just see probability. Any type of probability and in less than a second in fact. Also, i can bend space to teleport things. That's related though, it just requires me creating a nearly impossible probability"

Julius nodded his head. "Interesting power there. Very handy at times. By the way do you prefer Ash or Monty?", he asked with a raised brow. He didn't want to insult the guy.

"Pleasure to meet you as well." "I am a newcomer here. If I may ask what is this place and where are we going?""

Julius responded. "We're heading to the Quixotic Lab of Life. My adopted father owns the lab and I live there. Coincidentally, Diosis and Grace have moved in. I bet they're there right now.", he said as they continued to walk, the lab drawing near now.

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:27 pm

Monash shrugged and continued walking. "No clue. You didn't tell me your name though" he said passively. He Smiled at the girl, turning on his charm, his usual ladies man nature kicking in as he waited for an opportunity to wow her. Like Julius, he had an oddly attractive nature, just not quite as pronounced. Still, coupled with his casanova style, the girls fell for him like nobody's business.

"Interesting power there. Very handy at times. By the way do you prefer Ash or Monty?"

Monash grinned at Julius. "Call me Monty and you'll find your heart suddenly outside of your body. Ash will do fine" He continued to smile threateningly.

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Kipcha Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:33 pm

Kipcha tears her hazel green eyes away from the path they are walking, and looks at the man named Monash. She smiles sweetly, her southern accent slipping out as she speaks. "My name is Kipcha. Nice to meet you." She still feels a little tense around these people, but relaxes a tiny bit.

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:33 pm

"Call me Monty and you'll find your heart suddenly outside of your body. Ash will do fine" He continued to smile threateningly.

Julius was unfazed by the dry threat. He just merely nodded his head. "Ash it is then.", he said as he continued to walk. Then all of a sudden, the person he dreaded to see popped out of nowhere.

"Julio!!!! Donde estas mi Julio?!?!", a Hispanic voice called. Julius stopped in his tracks and his eyes widened. Oh shoot. He looked around him and tried to find the source of the voice. This was not good.

As soon as she said it, a pair of arms wrapped around his neck and squished him to a girl's body. "Oh Julio long time no see! Did you miss me darling?", Adriana said with a happy face as she cuddled Julius who tried to get out of her grasp. "Adriana. Release me please.", he said with an exasperated look. "No call me "Amor" darling. Otherwise I won't let go.", she said.

Julius simply ducked and slipped out of her hold. She fake pouted and skipped at him. She then saw the other two and waved hi. "Hola to you two. I'm Adriana Esperanza. You may call me Adri.", she said to Monash. Then she saw Kipcha and shot her a look. "Keep your hands off Julio, he's mine.", she said as she grabbed Julius' arm. He sighed and tugged his arm away. "I'm a human, not a thing.", he replied.

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Ghost Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:43 pm

Coty followed them carefully watching around. He felt strange like something was about to happen and he didn't like it one bit. He decided to head for the labs so everyone could discuss what was going on and maybe learn a little more about the others. He took Hob out and placed him on his shoulder as they walked knowing most people would look but not think of anything and just maybe Hob could scan for others.

Roland ran through alley ways trying to escape. They found him again while he had been living in the sewers trying to avoid human contact but apparently he had been spotted when coming above ground for food. He turned a corner only to be cut off again by several armed men. His body turned to water and he charged them splattering against them and reforming on the other side of them. He needed to find somewhere safe and soon. As he was running for the street he felt something pierce his back and a electric jolt went through his body causing him to revert back to human. He quickly pulled it out feeling dizzy as he ran for the nearest building. Quixotic labs.

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Super Heros - Page 11 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Kipcha Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:55 pm

Hearing a voice Kipcha tenses up again, her knife slipping out her sleeve compeletly and into her hand. She did not like surprises, surprises are what got her family killed.

As a girl appears and grabs Julius, Kipcha relaxes a little seeing no threat, and slips her knife back up her sleeve.

"Hola to you two. I'm Adriana Esperanza. You may call me Adri."

"Hello to you to my name is Kipcha." Kipcha smiles and waves back. "Nice to meet you."

"Keep your hands off Julio, he's mine."

To her own amusment Kipcha finds her self laughing. "My dear, I've no attentions of taking him from you or anything."

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