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Super Heros

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:57 pm

(actually no, lions and tigers don't purr, I looked it up, they roar, not purr)

"How... how did you know i don't have a home?"

Julius turned to Diosis. "You put up a good mask but I can see that you don't. Artemis knew too. She found out by your scent. You have no other family scents on you and she can tell you were lonely. Dogs are quite the mind readers.", he said as he rubbed the dog behind the ears.

"So how do you know so much about it then? Do you have a ability too?"

Galen laughed a little. "Me? Nah I'm just your average human professor. But I know because of Julius and I have a lot of top secret documents that no one has ever seen before. Documents about past specials. They stay in this lab and never leave. And I have my sources.", the scientist told the boy.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Ghost Wed Jan 13, 2010 9:59 pm

"Then I have one more question...How did you get the documents that were suppose to be destroyed?...Did you work with those who hunted down people like us?" He asked the old man not sure what to think anymore.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:01 pm

Diosis sighed. Well, the jig was up and the secret was out and now Grace and Coty knew too. Great... he liked attention, but there was a reason he didn't seek out this kind. He sighed and continued petting the tiger. She growled happily and he smiled slightly. animals were like therapy to him.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:09 pm

Grace looked from one person to the other She bit her lower lip then looked down "I umn.. Can't leave dad.. he would be mad..real mad.. and knowing him he'd come to school and pull me out just so we could..umn..'talk'" Grace felt her eyes well up with tears and took in a deep shakey breath. "Ginger is to young to leave home and I can't leave her there alone.. Not with dad there at least... and even if we did go to court we'd both get put in a orphanage...I could understand why someone would want Ginger such a swwt loveable little girl.. But I'm to old for a family to want.. And I won't leave Ginger alone with anyone and she won't stay away from me" Grace looked up at Galen and Julius. "although I'd love the offer-" Grace lightly shook her head. "I can't accept it not with all the problems that come along with it." Grace looked down at the ground as her younger sister gently squeezed her hand.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:19 pm

Diosis gave her an empathetic look, then hugged her gently. He wanted desperately to save her from her abusive father... but what could he do. Maul him he supposed... but that solved nothing. they'd still be in an orphanage. He sighed... then a thought popped into his mind. "What if Julius or Galen could adopt you? it would be a good idea, and you'd end up staying here like you were going to." He smiled

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:48 am

Grace Kept her Gaze down as she hugged Ginger a little closer to her. "ultimately it isn;t up to's up to them and My younger sister it's up to what she wants." Grace smiled down at ginger and hugged her tight then sat her in her lap to face the two men and look over them.

Ginger watched the two curiously for a moment then spoke in her soft sweet voice. "umn.. What kind of test would you preform Galen?" she kept biting her lower lip that was the only thing that had really worried her.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:02 am

Diosis sighed, it was worth a try. But perhaps they'd say yes. He sighed and continued petting the tiger, slightly worried himself. "Yeah... what kind of tests are these?" he looked up at Galen.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:03 am

"Then I have one more question...How did you get the documents that were suppose to be destroyed?...Did you work with those who hunted down people like us?"

Julius turned to Coty with glaring eyes. "Are you saying you don't trust us?", he asked the boy. Galen waved his hand, dismissing the tension. "Secret files. I worked for the government once and that's where I got them. But I warn you, not a word of this information is allowed to get out. If you do let it slip, I'm afraid I will have to tamper with your memory, whether I want to or not.'", Galen told them.

"I umn.. Can't leave dad.. he would be mad..real mad.. and knowing him he'd come to school and pull me out just so we could..umn..'talk'" "Ginger is to young to leave home and I can't leave her there alone.. Not with dad there at least... and even if we did go to court we'd both get put in a orphanage...I could understand why someone would want Ginger such a swwt loveable little girl.. But I'm to old for a family to want.. And I won't leave Ginger alone with anyone and she won't stay away from me"

Galen walked over to the girl and gently patted her head. "There there, don't cry. I'm sure I can make arrangements. And who said that someone hadn't already decided to adopt you two?", he said with a knowing smile.

"What if Julius or Galen could adopt you? it would be a good idea, and you'd end up staying here like you were going to."

Galen smiled. "Ah young lad you read my mind,", he said. Julius had his face in his hand as he sighed. Ho boy, what a day this turned out to be.

"umn.. What kind of test would you preform Galen?"

The professor looked at them three and blinked. "Tests? What tests? Did I say I would run tests? What do you take me for a mad scientist? No. I don't run tests on living people. Kids these days.", he said good humoredly.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:08 am

Diosis laughed. That's all he needed to hear. So then, all that was left would be to get Grace and Ginger up for adoption and Galen would adopt them. he could probably... "convince" her dad. He smiled. No tests, that's good. He hadn't really took him for that kind of person but Grace's comment got him thinking. "Okay, i'll stay. i don't exactly have anywhere else to go. And i'd rather stay with people like me" he grinned. "Oh... would there be any jobs i could do around here for money though" he asked suddenly.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:19 am

"Okay, i'll stay. i don't exactly have anywhere else to go. And i'd rather stay with people like me" he grinned. "Oh... would there be any jobs i could do around here for money though"

Galen turned towards Diosis. He smiled at the lad for choosing to stay with him. Time to go get some adoption papers and then take them to the officials. Then he blinked at the kid's next question."Well I don't see why you would want one but if you help out around the lab during daytime hours, when it's open for exhibition, then yes I will pay you. Julius works at other places and that's how he gets his money. You can still work else where if you choose to.", the professor said.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:26 am

"Okay. I think i'll work here. I like being around the animals. Besides, if someone comes looking for me i can hide easily in here" He grinned and looked around, then hopped up and stretched. "Hey Coty we never got to have dinner with you. When do we get to? Cuz i'm kinda hungry"

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:44 pm

Grace looked at Galen and couldn't help but smil widely a father.. or a real father at least. Grace smiled and couldn't help but to roar in a purring way and cuddle ginger then gently lift her up and look her straight in her beautiful brown eyes smiling widely. "so then my favorite and only sister What do you say would you want to live her?"

Ginger giggled and squirmed a bit in her sister's arms. "That does.. sound nice but only if you, Gus Gus and Pooh bear could come too." ginger smiled wider her happy attitude causing several of the plants around the building to grow and bloom.

Grace laughed and smiled. "yes of course of course." She gently set down Ginger still smiling then it quickly faded and she looked down at Ginger seriously and bit sternly. "But you must stay here while I pack and bring our stuff I refuse to elt you go back there okay?" Grace looked at her sisters little face gently taking her hands in her own

Ginger looked a bit startled then nodded understanding. "Yes.. Okay."

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:36 pm

Diosis watched happily. But the packing would be a problem he supposed. He didn't want her in harms way, especially with the rampage her father would be in when he realized they were leaving. "I'm going with you Grace. And you can't say no" He looked at her sternly, conveying the fact that he was dead serious. He wouldn't fail her like last time.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:40 pm

Grace kept her eyes on her sister still smiling as she simply said "no" then began tickling her little sister. "I won't let you go there and get hurt besides I believe I'll be prefectly fine. Last time.. I was portecting this little one I didn't have much of a chance to swing back and this time I can besides my room door has a lock and suitcases do more damage on faces." Grace kept tickling her giggling little sisters. "when you grow up with parents like mine and someone who needs protecting you learn how to survive and what to do not to get hurt." Grace kept tickling her little sister now biting her lower lip forcing the lump down her throat as her sister laughed like she was truly happy something Grace had never heard in a long time.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Ghost Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:43 pm

Coty sighed and looked toward Grace and Diosis "Just meet me at my house and I'll take you guys out okay?" He smile at them.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:00 am

Julius stepped forward. "Need a ride?", he asked Grace as she was about to head out the door.

Galen smiled, soon the family would be growing. Ah what a nice feeling, a big happy family. Since his wife died and couldn't bare him any children, Galen took joy in adopting other children. For one he was rich, so taking in kids was no big deal, and these kids were special, even more a delight for the professor.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:35 am

Grace turned back and Looked at Julius "umn.. Sure." She stuffed her hat on her head in attemot to hide her ears and looked down at her tail and shrugged then walked out to the garage as she began to think of how she would do this. Grace bit her lower lip a moment a thing she did constantly when thinking the reason her lip was always either bruised or busted open.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:23 am

Julius nodded his head. He looked at Artemis and telepathically told her to stay home and wait for him. Artemis nodded her head and waited patiently by Galen's side.

Julius walked out to the garage, grabbing his keys along the way and opening his car. The convertible had the hood on. He opened the garage and started the car, waiting for Grace to get in to back out.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:19 am

Diosis sighed. "Grace, i can't let you go alone okay? You're my friend and i can't let you just walk into danger." he stood and followed them out to the car. He was going whether she liked it or not. He had to protect her form harm. He shifted into cat form and hopped in the car, realizing he couldn't shift once in the neighborhood.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Ghost Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:20 pm

Coty walked home thinking to himself about what he had learned. He was excited that his friends were just like him but he was worried that if someone might try to hunt them down like the others. He soon ran home and opened up his garage taking Hob out and placing him on the table next to a bunch of spare parts. "I'm going to do a quick upgrade okay Hob." he said as he was grabbing different pieces, examining them, and tossing some and attaching others to Hob. Soon he was done and quickly put Hob back into the bag and heading to the local Pizza place that was a few blocks away to wait for the others.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:28 pm

Grace sighed then lightly touched Gingers nose before standing and walking off to the garage and into the car buckling herself in she bit her lower lip one moment then looked back at Diosis. "You are to stay in the form and do nothing unless I say and that is the only condition I am giving you." Grace looked unconfidently stern she released a breath She had always been shy and never stern.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:07 pm

Julius sighed and then looked in the mirror to see if they were ready. Seeing that they were, he fired up the engine and pulled out of the garage, driving towards Grace's house which he remembered the directions.

As he drove he saw the uncomfortable look on Grace's face. "If you need help, we're here. You don't have to be afraid.", he said as he made a turn into the neighborhood. He looked around and then saw the house. He pulled up next to the driveway and stopped the car and unbuckled himself, in case he was needed.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:39 pm

Grace looked down a moment then unbuckled herself and climbed out she took in a deep breath then pulled out her keys and walked up to her door opening it she looked around not seeing her father she sighed with relief then walked back to her room stopping as she heard the sound of her mother crying she bit her lip then turned around and stepped in her mother and fathers room sh peeked around the room before listening for any other heartbeats only hearing her mom's she stepped in and sat next to her mother on the bed her mom was pressing an ice pack to her cheek which was red and swollen "mom.. you should leave him.. You shouldn't let him hit you like that.." Her mother looked up and shook her head then pulled out a necklace. "He said he was sorry honey he said he still loves me." Grace sighjed then looked at her mom. "Ginger and I are leaving..You can stay with Dad.. if you wish but I advise against it." grace's mother looked at her a bit shocked then nodded she understoond and with that grace stood and walked over to her and gingers room grabbing a suitcase and packing clothes and other things.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Sun Jan 17, 2010 8:55 pm

Julius stood outside of his car, leaning against the side of the door. He looked up into the house and stared at it. No sounds were heard. He closed his eyes and thought hard, he thought of a bat's hearing and echo system. As he thought his cells in his body began reforming and soon his hearing was heightened and he opened his eyes and then looked at the house again.

Footsteps, Grace's. She was tiptoeing. No one else. Then he heard sniffing and weeping. He sent out a sound wave at the house and then it bounced back to him. Two people. Apparently Grace and, maybe her mother? He searched the house. Looks like the father wasn't in at the moment. Hopes it stays that way for a while.

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Super Heros - Page 7 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:13 pm

Grace came out awhile later with her bag uin hand and smiled to julius "all se-" she paused and her eyes widened as a white truck pulled up rather clumisly it seemed the drivers was drunk she bit her lip then walked to julius's car and set her stuff down in the backseat then turned and watched as her father stepped out of his car an arched an eyebrow to her then speaking "what'd you think your doing young lady?" Gracve bit her lip and watched her father carefully then swallowing and narrowing her eyes slightly. "I'm moving out with ginger and go to a respectable home."

Grace's father grunted then crossed his home. "With pretty boy over here? ha You little tramp I know exactly what your thinking and what your going to do moving in a place with this guy now get your butt back in that house now or I'll make you."

Grace bit her lip her stomach twisting into knots as her father stepped closer to her then roughtly grabbing her by the arm she bit her lip then jerked her arm back and immeadiatly threw her hands up and over head expectng to be hit by him.

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