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Super Heros

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:31 am

Julius saw Grace sit up. She looked fine besides her beat red blushing face. Well if she could blush that red, she should be okay.

"Thank you..That was very kind of you."

Julius nodded his head. "No problem.", he said as he stood up. He reached the door and then turned around to face Diosis and Grace. "What do you guys want for breakfast? Ginger too.", he said as he waited for their answer.

He would tell Galen what they wanted, and then he would have to give Kipcha her washed clothes and then he would have to go around and take care of the animals. His favorite part of the morning. Spending time with his animal friends.

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:24 pm

Grace Looked to ginger who was still sound asleep. "umn..We'll eat anything. I can promise you that." grace smiled giggling slightly. As her stomach rumbled. It was sad but true. Ginger and Grace could eat a whole barell fileld with old bread as long as it was a meal they'd be happy. Seeng as their mother never really cooked for anyone but Their father. And their father wasn't willing to share. Grace stood and strecthed yawning then walking over and kneeling down besides ginger gently shaking her. whispering sweetly. "Wake up sunshine."

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Kipcha Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:47 pm

Groaning, Kipcha awakes when she hears the others waking up and smells food. She groaned again when she tried to stand up, her muscles were extremly sore and still asleep. She maneged to hold her stomach as it growled for food. Once she was able to walk a little she made her way out the room, making her way through the corridors, only by following the smell of food.

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Sat Jan 23, 2010 1:50 pm

Diosis looked embarrassed for over reacting. "Oh, sorry... Umm... anything will be fine for breakfast" he said, trying to ignore Grace's incessant blushing around Julius. "I'm going to take a shower before breakfast though. Do you have any clothes i could use? Just until we can get mine from the room I rented?" he asked Julius.

Ash hummed happily, making his way to the lab. As usual he oozed cool, even in the sharp looking outfit he wore. He'd decided to go for dressy today for no real reason. He knocked on the door of the lab, a bouquet of assorted flowers in his hand for Adriana. He wasn't one to beat around the bush. If he was going to get a girl, he'd sweep her off her feet the second he saw her.

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Sat Jan 23, 2010 4:45 pm

Grace Gently pushed the two boys out of the room then turned to ginger as she woke. Grace smiled and opened their trunk of clothing pulling out gingers school uniform for her and helping her change then sending her to find Julius and stay with him untill breakfast was ready. Grace smiled as Ginger ran out happily. then turning and changing into her school uniform. She couldn't forget about today. She wore a green and blue plaid skirt with a white top and green and blue plaid tie.She also had white knee high socks and black mary Janes. Grace smiled brushing her hair carefully before putting it up in a clip then making the beds and straightening the room. Before slipping out of the room silently shutting the door behind her.

Ginger smiled and ran off to search for Julius finding him she smiled. And ran up to him tugging lightly onto his pants to get is attention. She did want to help him with his daily chores. And she wanted to help the animals home to be happier with better plant life something they'd enjoy more.

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:20 pm

(wait... the school doesn't have a uniform. otherwise the characters wouldn't have been wearing what they were on the field trip.)

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:26 pm

(well then she's wearing that because she wants to xD)

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:31 pm

(lol okay. I can't post until bailu does or until someone lets ash in)

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:15 pm

"I'm going to take a shower before breakfast though. Do you have any clothes i could use? Just until we can get mine from the room I rented?"

Julius nodded and then went into his room. He came back into Grace's room and then threw Diosis a black long sleeved tee with a white tiger on it. He loved the shirt but he could spare it. And also threw him a pair of khaki pants. "Use mine for now. We'll go pick up your stuff today.", he said.

He was then shoved out of the room with Diosis by Grace. He waited for a while until Ginger came out. He looked down at her with a small smile as she tugged at his pant leg. Then he noticed her and Grace's attire. He stared at them awkwardly. "...Uh Grace. Today's Saturday.", he said simply enought, not to embarrass her or anything. Maybe she was too excited to get to school.

Galen came into the room. Julius turned to him. "They'll take anything you can cook up Galen. They're starving.", he told him. His adopted father smiled. But man the guy was too young for a father. He nodded and slipped back out to the kitchen. On the way he heard the door bell ring. He went to open it and saw Ash. "Ah hello there Monash. Come in.", he said. Then he saw the flowers and grinned. "I presume those are for Adri?", he asked.

Back with Julius he waited until they got ready before heading to the kitchen. Today was Saturday. He would spend half of his morning cleaning the animals. First he needed some food. He saw Kipcha and handed her the clothes he washed. "Here, I mended them too. They should be as good as new.", he told her.

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:30 pm

Grace's eyes widened and she sighed "of course stupid me how embarassing!" Grace slipped abck into her room and changed into some jeans and a tanktop and her converse then stepped back out and into the kitchen smiling to Galen. "I'm used to cooking back at home would you like some help." She couldn't help her rumbling stomach. But ignored it anyway merely out of habit.

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:43 pm

Galen turned to Grace and smiled at her. He patted her head and ruffled her hair. "Nah it's fine. But thank you for asking Grace. Oh after breakfast I need you and your sister to fill out the adoption papers. I've already filled out what I need to. Now I just need you two to agree and fill in your information and sign it so I can turn it in today alright?", he told her with a smile.

He started carrying over plates of toast with bacon and egg over to the large eatting table. He set out 6 plates. One for Diosis, Grace, Ginger, himself, Julius, and Kipcha. He wondered what happened to the water boy, Roland. He then turned to Ash. "Ash would you like to join us for breakfast?", he asked the boy.

Then a loud rambunctious voice joined them. "Buenos dias everyone!!!" Looks like one night's sleep was all Adriana needed to get recharged. She looked around the room and then spotted her prey. Julius took a step back but it was too late. Adri flung herself at him and clung to him like a koala on a tree. "Oh Julio did you miss me?", she asked. Julius managed to pry her off him. "I just saw you yesterday.", he said. Adri nodded her head. "Yes and it was soo long to be apart from you darling.", she said as she tried to kiss him. He put a hand to her face to stop her. "Adri please control yourself.", he said. "No darling, call me "Amour", she said.

Julius sighed and then pulled away from her. He gently guided Ginger to a seat and helped her into it. He also got a plate a filled it with breakfast for Adri as the said girl plopped herself down at the table.

A bark was heard. Artemis jogged in with her bushy tail wagging. Julius dropped to one knee and petted and ruffled the dog. "Hey girl. Did you sleep well?", he asked. Artemis barked in reply and licked his face. She then turned to the others. She went over and licked Ginger's hand with a happy face. Then she went over to Grace and Diosis. She wagged her tail, she'd come to trust them because Julius did. Then she went to say good morning to Galen receiving a scratch under her chin. And last but not least Adri. Arti said hi to the girl and the girl cooed and scratched her.

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:48 pm

Grace looked away as she saw a girl cling to Julius. she bit her lower lip and cursed her stupid Jealousy under her breath. Hoping not a soul would Notice. She figured if this new girl found out she'd try her hardest just to make Grace Jealous. She bit her lower lip harder then sighed and shut her eyes calming herself then smiling to the new girl walking to ehr and extending ehr hand to her. "hello their I'm Grace baites and you are?" She said this as kindly as she could. Smiling brightly at this girl.

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:58 pm

Adriana looked up at Grace and then smiled, taking the girl's hand in a firm handshake. "How do you do? I'm Adriana Esperanza. Call me Adri.", she said. Then the girl stood up and took Grace's arm. "Grace, mind if I talk to you alone for a sec?", she asked.

Julius and Galen looked up from what they were doing and looked at the two girls. Julius knew what was going to happen and he sighed, hoping Grace wouldn't take what Adri said personally. Galen just smiled. This kind of thing he was used to. With Adri hanging around, not many girls dared to approach Julius. He sighed for his adopted son.

Julius looked at the two girls. "Hurry up the food'll get cold.", he said as he sat down next to Ginger with Artemis at his feet.

Adri smiled at him. "Don't worry Julio. We don't be long.", she said as she pulled Grace into another room. Then she turned around to face the girl. "Look here. Let me just make this clear. Julius is mine. Got it? I see the way you look at him. If you want him then you'll have to get past me. We're rivals.", she said as she looked at Grace. Adri sighed as she thought she had a much better body than Grace.

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:05 pm

Grace listened to Adri then nodded and lowered her gaze. "I was hoping we could be friends. But if you wish to hate me I won;t stop you..But don't count on me acting as a rival. I'd rather be friends." with that said Grace gently slipped past Adri and Back into the kitchen keepuing her gaze low as she gently took her seat placing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She slowly and a tad clumisly now fileld ehr plate with a small protion of food making Ginger a plate as well waiting for the others to begin eating.

ginger looked to her older sister then looked behind to Adri although she wasn't one to be to mean but she hated seeing her sister so distrot and upset. She watched adri carefully then turned back around looking back at grace then shooting Julius a worried look. ginger sighed and did as she normally did sat still and silent waiting for others to eat first.

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:10 pm

Adriana stared in surprise at the girl. She expected the girl to retort back and fight back. Adri didn't think that Grace would give in that easily. Did she not like Julius? Adri silently watched Grace walk back into the kitchen. Then she shook her head, coming out of her daze. With a blink of her eyes she also came into the kitchen and sat down next to Galen to eat breakfast.

Everyone waited until the two girls came back to start eating. Julius saw Grace sit down next to Ginger. He frowned a bit at her expression. She was down a bit and felt a depressed feeling emit from her. He gently prodded her. "You okay? Whatever Adri told you, don't take it to heart.", he said as he started eating his food.

Adriana saw the exchange and she pouted a bit, jealous that Julius seemed to care about Grace. She looked down and started eating her food, stabbing her eggs kinda viciously.

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Sun Jan 24, 2010 12:28 am

Grace looked at Julius then over at Adri sure she liked Julius..But stills he didn't want to hurt adri. she looked back at her plate and began eating nibbling on her food and finished fairly quickly. She gently picked her plate up and took it into the kitchen where she proceeded to wash her dishes then slipped silently into the ecosystems room. Seeing Arista she smiled and knealt down. "Hello there friend." Grace looked around then hopped the fence and sat down leaning aghainst the fence and looking to Arista. "Friend, have you ever known someone who you want to get along with..But they...Like a person You enjoy being around..a lot? And so tehn you purposely aviod That one Person Because you don;t want to start conflict?" grace looked at Arista then shook her head and sighed rubbing ehr temples. "of course you haven't your to sweet." She smiled at Arista then looked down Hugging her knees close to her chest and placing her chin a top her knees.

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:26 am

Arista lifted her head when she heard someone jump over the fence. She growled a good morning at the girl. The girl then sat down and Arista saw her mouth move and a bunch of jibberish come out of her mouth. She didn't understand the English language, she only understood Juilus and other tigers. But the girl seemed sad and down after speaking. Arista went closer and pressed her head to the girl's face. Cheer up, it said.

Julius looked up when Grace left. Uh that depressing feeling was still radiating off of her. Adri also looked up and then looked at Julius. She swore the guy was always looking at Grace that it annoyed her. She felt ticked that a girl who didn't even fight for the guy she liked could catch Julius' attention.

Galen watched all of this observingly and smiled, ah how he would have fun playing matchmaker.

Julius finished his food and washed his dish as well, excusing himself to go take care of the animals. He walked into the ecosystem room and then saw Grace in Arista's cage. The tiger was trying to comfort the girl. Julius walked up quietly behind the cage and then tapped it. He looked at Grace. "Looks like you've made friends with Arista.", he said. "What's wrong? You're oozing sadness and confusion.", he told her.

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Sun Jan 24, 2010 12:03 pm

grace jumps and squels slightly then blushes and looks down embarassed. it-'s Umn..Nothing." she looks to arista with pleading eyes hoping she won't tell him a thing of whats wrong unaware she doesn't know the english langauge. grace hugs Arista close to her a moment before turning and facing Julius. "I umn...I." Grace releases a deep breath then jumps back over the fence and infront of Julius looking at him. "please I'm sorry to cause you any trouble but don;t worry about me." she bows respectfully to him shuttign her eyes.

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:43 pm


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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Lachryma Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:54 pm

Diosis takes the clothes from Julius. "Thanks." He was shoved out of the room by Grace and so proceeded down to the shower and went in. After a few minutes he came back out with wet hair wearing the clothes Julius had loaned him. The pants were a bit baggy but he liked the shirt with the tiger on it. It reminded him of Grace. He sat down for breakfast and began eating, noting the Jealous glances Grace gave Adriana as she fawned over Julius. Why was it that Grace fell for this guy, someone she had barely met, and completely ignored him, who had remained by her side as her best friend, and offered support for her for ten years? He sighed, glaring slightly at Adriana who seemed to have upset Grace.

Ash burst into the room rather flamboyantly just as Grace and Julius left. He waltzed to Adriana and presented her the flowers he had brought. "Oh beautiful Adriana! Pay no attention to that ungrateful Julius! He may not recognize your inner beauty, but I saw it from the moment I met you! Accept these flowers as a humble token of my undying love!!" he held the flowers to her, his eyes shining. Definately no beating around the bush.

(try to imagine ayame's voice for what he said lol)

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Ghost Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:23 pm

(I'm completely lost...You guys need to learn how to wait up because I don't even know how to post.)

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:29 pm

aaron you're calling me crazy? you're one to talk when you and jess go on a rampage, eat your own medicine. and coty, sorry man that we kinda left you out

but Roland is apparently still in the lab and Coty...not so sure about him, if he went home or not

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Ghost Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:30 pm

Yeah I get left behind by you guys to many times

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Looney Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:38 pm

it-'s Umn..Nothing."

Julius didn't believe one word of that. Man was she a bad liar. He saw right through her, and it didn't help her that he could sense emotions too.

"I umn...I." Grace releases a deep breath then jumps back over the fence and infront of Julius looking at him. "please I'm sorry to cause you any trouble but don;t worry about me."

Julius watched the girl land in front of him and then he was speechless, surprised by her sudden politeness. "...You okay? It doesn't seem like you. Something up? You can always tell someone. I'll help if I can.", he said simply with a shrug. He looked over at Arista but knew that the tiger couldn't understand anyone but him so it was useless asking her.

Back in the kitchen.

"Oh beautiful Adriana! Pay no attention to that ungrateful Julius! He may not recognize your inner beauty, but I saw it from the moment I met you! Accept these flowers as a humble token of my undying love!!"

Adriana snapped out of her daze at glaring daggers at Julius and Grace's retreating forms and looked up at Ash. She blinked at the flowers in front of her. Well not to say, she was used to getting flowers from all guys even without her pheromone powers. She accepted the flowers out of reflex. "Oh Ash..thank you. This is nice of you. Is there a special occasion?", she asked him with a bewildered look. She was soo intent on Julius that she was kinda clueless to when other guys were trying to woo her.

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Super Heros - Page 14 Empty Re: Super Heros

Post  Ghost Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:43 pm

(I'm going to say that Coty is home "upgrading" Hob.

Roland sighed walking through the labs. These people here were nice to him but he wasn't sure if he should stay much longer. I headed for the kitchen and grabbed three bottles of water and took them with him, taking large gulps as he explored. He didn't know much about science and technology but this place was still really intersesting. He walked by the animals and watched them for a bit. He wonder what he smelled like to them, probably like sewer water.

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