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Zombie Loan

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Zombie Loan Empty Zombie Loan

Post  XxInsanelyJessxX Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:28 pm

.Aaliya Jaggery

Age:16 (junior)
Physical: She is slendor with a rather attractive body. She was has bright blue eyes and Jet black hair. She is ratehr skinny and weak. She is about 5"3
Personality: She's gentle and kind but very shy and tends to keep to herself. She never really sticks up for herself during school mainly because she doesn't know how. She never really speaks much and if someone claims to be a friend she immeadiatly believes the are a little to blind to know if they are or not.
She was born with eyes that are called shinagami eyes and is able to see the ring around people's neck if a ring is grey they're going to die. when the ring gets darkerit gets closer to the death of that person. For this reason Aaliya wears glasses just so she can't see the ring although there is nothing wrong with her eyes. And when Someone steals her Glasses she tends to freak out and worry as she doesn't want to see anyone with a ring around their neck.

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Lachryma Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:07 pm

umm... i don't know what i'm supposed to do for this one.

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Looney Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:13 pm

jess isn't that the same character for the furries RP?

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Lachryma Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:30 pm

no she got the two mixed up and put this name in the furries one. this is the one for zombie loan.

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Looney Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:23 pm

Lycoris Nox
Nickname: Lyc, Lyca
Age: looks 17 but is really 40 years old
Race: Werewolf
Special Abilities: Superspeed, super strength, great sense of smell, hearing and night vision, lightning fast reflexes and quick on her feet, agile, nimble, has the power to open gateways to the world of the dead or the world in between the living and dead, the unliving, faster than most lycans
She is 6'0 ft, very tall for a girl and light, but average for her height. She is slendor looking but lean and muscle can be seen when she wears tank tops that show off her arms or abdominal. She has midlength spikey brown/gold hair that she ties in a rat tail usually so she can move around without hair getting in her way. Her eyes are a golden yellow that flare red when angry. She has tribal tattoos running down both of her arms as well as her back, up to the base of her neck. The tattos also circle around her abdominal and at her collar bone and base of her neck. The tattoos are blue in color, a deep navy blue. Usually wears skin tight shirts so she can move around easily and camo cargo pants with combat boots that reach the middle of her legs, just short of the knees.
A tomboy. She acts rough and big sister like. You mess with her friends and you'll answer to her. Lycoris is quick with action and doesn't think much. But she's not stupid. When she does think and plan out, listen, she's really smart with tactics and stuff. She is laid back and lax, doesn't like to work much, although she loves running, must be a wolf thing. She is strong and she knows it, but she doesn't tell everyone she's a werewolf, every just thinks she's just this freakishly strong chick that works out. She's pretty but she doesn't pay much attention to what guys think of her. Usually she's picking fights with guys and just hanging out with her friends. She's a bit blunt and straight to the point, but she's not rude and does respect people who earns her respect. She won't spare you a glance if you don't deserve the respect. She is a noble and honorable person. She won't lie to her friends and she doesn't go back on her words. She keeps her promises, loyal like a dog and will obediently listen to favors and such as long as the person is not taking advantage of her generosity. She doesn't judge people, but she listens to her instincts, animal instincts and if she thinks someone is not good, she'll flat out tell them that she doesn't like them and to get the hell away. If Lycoris is your friend, you can count on a reliable partner and shoulder to lean on when you need it.
The rest of the werewolf race was killed off. People became suspicious of random killings and blamed the werewolves, they knew the folk tale creatures existed. They killed off the wolves and werewolves, leaving only a spare few alive or they just couldn't find them. Lycoris is one of the survivors. She doesn't know where other werewolves are but is trying to find them. Her parents were killed by the humans. She now disguises herself as a human, not letting anyone but Aaliya know about her true identity.
She loves fighting and spends time working outs in gyms and such. She's very independent and that's part of the reason she gets stronger, so she doesn't have to depend on some guy. Heck, she can beat up all the guys at her school. Doesn't like humans very much but tolerates them to hide her identity. Best friends with Aaliya and protects the girl at any cost. She has black hair and therefore transforms into a black werewolf.

Last edited by Looney on Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:28 pm; edited 4 times in total

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Lachryma Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:46 pm

Do i need a certain name and personality or can i make my own entirely?

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Looney Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:57 pm

be creative and original Very Happy the only requirement is that you are a zombie, not like those rotting ones, you look human, but you are really undead, and you can pick one ectoplasm weapon to summon, beware it can't be too big because you're the one making the ectoplasm to work the weapon

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Lachryma Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:22 pm

Vincent Mafveris

Nickname: Vince
Age: technically 17, but he refuses to say how long he's been dead
Race: zombie
Abilities: Good speed, smell, and hearing. Dead eye aim (no pun intended) whether throwing, shooting or slashing. He can summon ectoplasmic claws which look to be only melee weapons, but in fact can extend thin strings that are almost impossible to see, nearly indestructible, and have the ability to slice through flesh and, if moving fast enough, bone.
Physical: About 5'5" and well built. He doesn't have much visible muscle, but he packs a real punch when he hits. He tends to wear trench-coats and dark clothing and usually some type of stylish hat. His hair is contrastingly white, almost radiantly so. he looks fairly normal, besides being slightly pale. His eyes are a deep violet that tends to freak people out a bit for some reason.
Personality: Generally passive unless fighting. He has more "Acquaintances" than friends. He's not afraid to speak his mind on most matters and he'll be quite blatant and open with anyone. He hates being a zombie, preferring the time when he was a human. This in mind, he happily kills off any other zombies as part of his job. He is a fierce fighter and people, while pretty neutral towards him at first, become a bit more afraid once they've seen what he can do.
History: After dying in a car accident, Vincent happily accepted the offer to hunt zombies in order to remain living. He now works for the ferryman.

Last edited by Lachryma on Thu Jan 21, 2010 2:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Looney Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:27 pm

when i mean zombie, i mean you're literally a undead human, meaning no extra powers Sad you're only power would be unusual speed, strength and your weapon of ectoplasm

i would suggest a sword but i guess claws work too, sorry no special abilities

and btw you work for the ferryman under a loan, if you pay your debt he restores your life, that's your goal, to kill enough to restore your life, i mean cuz basically you're the living dead, you're alive but like your family doesn't know you're dead

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Lachryma Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:29 pm

awww... okay, i'll go with what Bailu said then. The claws with deadly threads i'm keeping though. And actually, the aim thing is a trait he acquired while living. Nothing supernatural, just skill.

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Looney Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:36 pm

aim i'm okay with, it's the teleporting that has to go

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Lachryma Thu Jan 21, 2010 8:13 am

oh right, forgot i put that lol. no problem then.

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Looney Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:53 pm

you didn't edit your post

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Lachryma Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:09 pm

Here's vincent's pic. imagine violet eyes.

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Looney Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:53 pm

here's Lycoris

just imagine her with brown hair and gold eyes, and spikier hair

here's werewolf form, imagine without all the tribal accessories

Last edited by Looney on Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Lachryma Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:01 pm

the second pic's been removed

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Looney Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:45 pm


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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Looney Tue Jan 26, 2010 9:27 am

Human form:

Werewolf form:

Liam B. Leroy

Age: Looks 18 but is about 65 years old.
Race: Werewolf, lycan
Special Abilities: Stronger than most lycans, one punch sends lycans through walls, sends zombies into a million peices, and sends humans to instant death. Great sense of smell, hearing and sight. Very durable, like a mountain. He is quick for his large size and nimble, has very high intuition.
Tall, 6'5ft giant but lean. He is like a great oak tree instead of a mountain. He looks thin and scrawny but he doesn't budge if you push him. He is full muscle but not ripped like a bodybuilder, just fit like a born hunter. If you grab his arm, it's all hard muscle, not a shred of fat on him. Abs of steel, he's got. And a rock solid head. Has very high pain tolerance. He has golden eyes like all werewolves, but they are a darker shade, almost mixed with brown so he doesn't stand out. Has short messy white blonde hair. Has tattoos on both of his arms.
A bomb ready to explode. He looks docile and quiet on the outside, but if he sees something that ticks him off, he blows. He has a tendency to pick up the closet thing to him and chunk it, hard, at whatever is pissing him off and he has a dead aim, never misses. But he's uncontrollable in this berserker way. If you try to use force to snap him out of it, it just makes it worse and he gets madder. Usually he puts up a facade, he looks calm, quiet, and docile, usually around strangers or even those he trusts, but his enemies better watch out, literally, they might see a tree flying at them at 99mph. He doesn't talk much, usually grunting or shrugging for an answer. Doesn't joke much and gets annoyed easily, although he puts on such an emotionless mask you can't tell if he's pissed or not, until you get a knuckle sandwich in the face that is. Like any werewolf, once he makes friends, he's loyal to death and obeys those higher in status without retort. He has a way with people, if he wants something to go his way, he'll get his way, he's very persuasive, backed up with cold dead serious threats. He doesn't have a love for humans, although there are some exceptions. He gets along well with sane zombies but will kill crazy ones with just one crack of their neck. He's a short information person, he wants his info short and quick, chop chop like, no extra nonsense stuff, just right to the point.
He was born during the time his kind prospered, until one of them sold his own kind out to the humans. Then it was a race for survival. Luckily Liam got away, but his parents and little sister were killed by the humans. Now he's on the search for more of his kind. He knows that he alone can't do anything about the humans and he's trying to find a way to replenish his species. His personality changed from when he was a kid before the killing of his race.
His full name is William Blood Leroy. Even though he's a monster sized person, no one seems to take notice of him, mainly because he doesn't talk and his prescense doesn't stand out, so he's good at blending in. Since he has white blonde hair, he transforms into a white blonde werewolf. He's quite smart too, a good planner and excellent assassin or quiet killer.

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Kipcha Tue Jan 26, 2010 5:15 pm

Hmmm I forgot about this RP lol. Mind if a join you as a werewolf or shall i be a human or perhaps something else?

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Looney Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:21 pm

you can be human or zombie, since werewolves are rare in this RP Very Happy pick one and jump in

if you're human, go with whatever you want, you can be a zombie hunter for all i care Very Happy

if you're a zombie then make sure you don't have any powers besides immortality unless beheaded and you can pick one weapon to summon from ectoplasm, pick a small weapon, revolver, swords are very good ones, or like a axe or spear, to use, and you're going to be a sane zombie under the same contract aaron's character is so if you want to be a zombie look at his for reference

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Kipcha Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:45 pm

how about a vampire then?

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Looney Tue Jan 26, 2010 7:46 pm

there are no vampires in this RP, it's just human, zombie, or fine if you want you can be a werewolf too

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Kipcha Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:42 pm

lol alright ill be a human and see what gets me first

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Looney Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:55 am

well then might want to make a character soon Brittany

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Zombie Loan Empty Re: Zombie Loan

Post  Kipcha Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:37 pm

Tor K. Little

Race: Human
Age: 18
Special abilities: None
Physical: Rather attrtactive figure, blond hair, blue eyes, lean yet athletic with a tribal tatto on her lower back.
Personality: She is very friendly and kind, outgoing with plenty of friends, definatly a teaser, can have a bad temper at times but is mostly kind to everyone, she also loves the outdoors and spends most of her time in the woods.
History: She is from a loving family, but sadly her parents got divorced and she lives with her dad, while her mother is remarried and happy. Her and her dad struggle to keep up with bills and stuff yet it is sometimes hard for them both. She also has quiet a obession for animals espcially wolves.

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